The Mission of AGILE | INSTITUTE provides educational, programmatic, and consulting resources for individuals and organizations to create and sustain Communities of Equitable Opportunity in Urban Centers.
This ACC Module is 1 of 6 Course frameworks required for AGILE | COHORT Certification. Module #2 is an AGILE | INQUIRY Framework for "Understanding the Context of Your Life in the World System." Completion of the Course Module includes a Certificate and the AGILE | IDENTITY Badge.
Module #1 introduces the AGILE Learner to the world as an “ecosystem of ecosystems.” The aim of this Module is to help learners see, understand and leverage the greater context of their role in the world, and specifically in the chosen “ecosystems” where their interests, education, training and opportunities drive them. AGILE Learners will be challenged to develop a global perspective and empathetic & informed multicultural awareness as global citizens, but to act locally and to effect positive change wherever they live and work.
ACC Course Module #1: AGILE | IDENTITY - Understanding the Context of Your Life in the World System
This ACC Module is 2 of 6 Course frameworks required for AGILE | COHORT Certification. Module #2 is an AGILE | INQUIRY Framework for exploring "A Systematic Process for Serving Others by Sharing Assets, Assistance, Time and Resources." Completion of the Course Module includes a Certificate and the AGILE | SERVICE Badge.
In this Module, AGILE Cohorts will learn about the many different dimensions of giving and how to change the world through Volunteering, Charity & Philanthropy and Community Service. Authentically giving time, expertise and resources to others is therapeutic and empowering. What we do for others brings meaning and richness to our lives, and no matter what our station in life, we always have something to give. This Module surveys the many ways to give back and why it matters.
ACC Module #2: AGILE | SERVICE - Service to Others and Community Engagement
This ACC Module is 3 of 6 Course frameworks required for AGILE | COHORT Certification. Module #3 is an AGILE | INQUIRY Framework for learning "A Systematic Process for Achieving Personal Growth and Individual Career Advancement." Completion of the Course Module includes a Certificate and the AGILE | PRODUCTIVITY Badge.
In this Module, AGILE Cohorts will discover a systematic, step-by-step approach to launching and developing their career. They will be given a framework for how each Cohort member can maximize their chances of landing their dream job and the necessary steps to take to assure continuous promotion and access to new opportunities. The professional development covered in this course will also prepare AGILE Learners for productive careers as entrepreneurs as well as corporate employees.
ACC Course Module #3: AGILE | PRODUCTIVITY - Career and Professional Skills Development
This ACC Module is 4 of 6 Course frameworks required for AGILE | COHORT Certification. Module #5 is an AGILE | INQUIRY Framework for exploring a "A Systematic Process for Developing Financial Intelligence and Exchanging Economic Value." Completion of the Course Module includes a Certificate and the AGILE | RESOURCES Badge.
In this Module, AGILE Cohorts will discover a systematic, step-by-step approach to developing financial literacy and how to manage their personal finances as well as Holistic Venture finances. This module lays out the specific step-by-step process student AGILE Cohorts and Holistic Ventures must take to successfully navigate the many financial decision they will face during the course of their lives and ventures. AGILE Cohort members will collaborate to learn, simulate, and develop social knowledge (social capital) they can use to make holistic and community affirming decisions around money and economic value creation and exchange.
ACC Course Module #4: AGILE | RESOURCES - Financial Resource Generation & Giving
This ACC Module is 5 of 6 Course frameworks required for AGILE | COHORT Certification. Module #5 is an AGILE | INQUIRY Framework for learning "A Systematic Process for Creating and Sustaining Holistic Ventures with Cohorts." Completion of the Course Module includes a Certificate and the AGILE | VENTURES Badge.
In Module #1 AGILE Cohorts developed awareness of the seven major systems of influence within our global culture. Their explorations of these systems from a multicultural perspective hopefully opened their eyes to the many opportunities that exist to change the world and their local communities and make it better in some way. One key way to effect change is through social entrepreneurship. In this module AGILE Cohorts will explore the mechanics of entrepreneurship and Holistic Venture development. One of the key missions of AGILE is the creation of Holistic Ventures, empowered by 3-Person Cohorts to maximize sustainable resource generation in Urban Centers.
ACC Course Module #5: AGILE | VENTURES - Economic, Social and Environmental Resource Generation
This ACC Module is 6 of 6 Course frameworks required for AGILE | COHORT Certification. Module #6 is an AGILE | INQUIRY Framework for exploring a "A Systematic Process for Maximizing the Positive Impact of Your Health and Lifestyle Choices." Completion of the Course Module includes a Certificate and the AGILE | HEALTH Badge.
In this Module, AGILE Cohorts will explore a systematic, step-by-step approach to achieving and sustaining vibrant physical health and holistic wellness. World System conditioning puts the emphasis on allopathic medical treatments including pharmaceutical and procedural interventions to manage illness, disease and injury. Allopathic medicine can provide appropriate solutions in many health care crisis situations, but the AGILE Cohort will discover how to work with the design of the human body as an ecosystem to maximize day-to-day physical health, emotional wellness and overall vitality. AGILE | HEALTH shows AGILE Cohorts how to treat their bodies as the most important "Human Capital" they are responsible for. As such, each AGILE | PRACTITIONER is a valuable asset of each AGILE | COHORT, and their optimal health is needed to sustain the vital resource generation capacity of whatever ecosystems they rely on and/or support.
A Systematic Process for Organizing an Ecosystem to Support the Student Experience
A Systematic Process for Capturing, Protecting, Leveraging and Monetizing Institutional IP
A Systematic Process for Developing Institutional Real Estate Projects
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